For lever or pedal harp.
Arranged for beginning and advanced harpists.
This book or PDF download includes 50 of your favorite Irish songs (with lyrics) in multi-level arrangements for harp by Sylvia Woods. Each piece has two arrangements: an easy version, and one that is more difficult. As well as songs from Ireland, this book also includes some Irish-American songs that have found their way into the Irish music tradition, such as When Irish Eyes Are Smiling, Too-Ra-Loo-Ra-Loo-Ral, and My Wild Irish Rose. This book will be invaluable on St. Patrick's Day, but is fun all year 'round! The pieces are fingered and are in the key of C or sharp keys. Lyrics and chord symbols are indicated. Some require lever or pedal changes within the piece. 112 pages. The book is spiral-bound.
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Companion CD
The companion CD or mp3 downloads will assist harp players in learning the pieces in this book. Since many of you will want to "play along" as you are learning, Sylvia has recorded most of the pieces slower than they are usually played, and as "straight" as possible, with little or no expression or rhythmic variations.
In the book each piece has two arrangements: (A) an easy version, and (B) one that is more difficult. On these recordings, Sylvia plays the "B" versions. Since the two versions can be played as a duet, you can play either version along with the recording. The pieces are in the same order as in the book.
- Book and/or Companion CD, which we will mail to you
- PDF and/or mp3 files, to be downloaded to your computer.
- Avenging and Bright
- Believe Me If All Those Endearing Young Charms
- Bendemeer's Stream
- Castle of Dromore
- Cockles and Mussels
- The Cruiskeen Lawn
- Danny Boy
- Dear Little Shamrock
- Down By the Salley Gardens
- Famine Song
- Fanaid Grove
- Farewell! But Whenever You Welcome The Hour
- Farewell to Liverpool
- Flight of the Earls
- Foggy Dew
- Galway Piper
- Gartan Mother's Lullaby
- Gentle Maiden
- The Girl I Left Behind Me
- Good Night
- Has Sorrow Thy Young Days Shaded?
- I Know My Love
- Kathleen Mavourneen
- Kerry Dance
- Killarney
- Lark in the Clear Air
- Lark in the Morning
- The Leprechaun
- Limerick is Beautiful
- Mairi's Wedding
- My Lagan Love
- My Wild Irish Rose
- My Yellow-Haired Lad
- O'Donnell Aboo
- Ould Plaid Shawl
- Over the Hills and Far Away
- Rakes of Mallow
- Rose of Tralee
- Rosin The Bow
- Saint Patrick's Day
- She Moved Through The Fair
- Shule Aroon
- Snowy-Breasted Pearl
- Spanish Lady
- Spinning Wheel Song
- Sweet Carnloch Bay
- Sweet Rosie O'Grady
- 'Tis The Last Rose of Summer
- Too-Ra-Loo-Ra-Loo-Ral
- Wearin' O' The Green
- When Irish Eyes Are Smiling
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