For lever or pedal harp.
arranged for beginning and advanced harpists
This book or PDF download includes 52 of your favorite Scottish songs (with lyrics) in multi-level arrangements for harp. Over half are by Robert Burns. Each piece has two arrangements: an easy version and one that is more difficult. The pieces are fingered and in the key of C or sharp keys, and chord symbols are indicated. A few require lever or pedal changes. 112 pages. The book is spiral-bound.
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Companion CD or mp3 downloads
The companion CD or mp3 downloads will assist harp players in learning the pieces in this book. Since many of you will want to "play along" as you are learning, Sylvia has recorded most of the pieces slower than they are usually played and as "straight" as possible, with little or no expression or rhythmic variations.
In the book, each piece has two arrangements: (A) an easy version and (B) one that is more difficult. On these recordings, Sylvia plays the "B" versions. Since the two versions can be played as a duet, you can play either version along with the recording. The pieces are in the same order as in the book.
- Book, which we will mail to you
- PDF files, to be downloaded to your computer.
Click on the blue titles below to see a sample of the first few lines of music.
- Annie Laurie
- Auld Lang Syne
- Ay Waukin O
- Baloo Baleerie
- The Birks of Aberfeldy
- The Blue Bells of Scotland
- The Boatie Rows
- Bonnie Bell
- Bonnie Dundee
- Bonnie Wee Thing
- Braw Braw Lads
- Buy Broom Besoms
- Ca' The Yowes To The Knowes
- Charlie Is My Darling
- Comin' Thro' The Rye
- Corn Rigs Are Bonnie
- Dumbarton's Drums
- Duncan Gray
- Flow Gently Sweet Afton
- The Flowers O' The Forest
- Green Grow the Rashes O!
- Hame, Hame, Hame
- Hieland Laddie
- Ho Ro My Nut-Brown Maiden
- I Aince Lo'ed a Lass
- I'll Ay Ca' In by Yon Toun
- Jock O'Hazeldean
- John Anderson My Jo
- The Keel Row
- Kelvin Grove
- Land O' The Leal
- Lassie Wi' The Lint-White Locks
- The Lea Rig
- Leezie Lindsay
- Loch Lomond
- Loch Tay Boat Song
- A Man's A Man for A' That (Is There for Honest Poverty)
- My Heart's In the Highlands
- My Love is Like a Red Red Rose
- My Love She's But a Lassie Yet
- My Nanie O
- Rantin' Rovin' Robin (Dainty Davie)
- Rattlin' Roarin' Willie
- A Rosebud by My Early Walk
- The Rowan Tree
- Scotland the Brave
- Scots Wha Hae
- Skye Boat Song (used as the theme song for the "Outlander" TV series)
- Wae's Me for Prince Charlie
- The White Cockade
- Will Ye No Come Back Again?
- Ye Banks And Braes
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