Pedal or Lever Harp

Celtic Christmas, Volume 1 PDF Download by Thom Dutton

Item #p7461

For lever or pedal harp.

This collection of 26 Yuletide carols from Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Cornwall, and Brittany was arranged by Thom Dutton, with additional arrangements by Darhon Rees-Rohrbacher, RoJean Loucks, and Jennifer Pratt-Walter.
Here's how Thom describes this collection:
These intermediate-level arrangements include guitar chords, dynamics, and helpful fingerings, employ the keys of C & Am, G (1#), D (2#), and F (1b) and require a 5-octave range (E2 to C6). Time signatures include 4/4, 3/4, 6/4, 3/2, 6/8 & 9/8. Lever changes are indicated between the staves and diamond symbols in the music. Pedal changes are given below the bass staff. Techniques include harmonics, soundboard taps, and pdlt (pres de la table). Notes on the carols and some lyrics are provided.

This 57-page PDF includes 43 pages of music.

The three arrangements by other harpists are:
Darhon Rees-Rohrbacher: Taladh Chriosta (The Christ Child's Lullaby) arranged for harp and voice or melody instrument
RoJean Loucks: Wexford Carol arranged for harp and melody instrument
Jennifer Pratt-Walter: The Wren Song

This 57-page PDF includes 43 pages of music.

This product is a PDF file, to be downloaded to your computer. We do not sell it as regular printed music. It is only available here in this PDF download format.

Click on the blue titles below to see a sample of the first few lines of music.

  • Da Day Dawis (The Day Dawns)
  • Hark The Bonny Christ Church Bells
  • Taladh Slanair (Our Savior Thee)
  • Taladh Chriosta (The Christ Child's Lullaby) - for harp and voice or melody instrument
  • Baloo Lammy
  • Suid A Lainibh (Rock Thee, Oh Child)
  • Christmas Day I' Da Moorning
  • Duan Nollaig (Christmas Duanag)
  • Rorate (Nativity)

  • Ireland
  • Wexford Carol - for harp and voice
  • Wexford Carol - for harp and melody instrument
  • Oiche Nollaig (Christmas Eve)
  • Caed Moladh Le Muire Beannaithe (All Praise to The Blessed Mary)
  • Tra Va Ruggit Creest (When Christ Was Born)
  • I Sing a Maid - for harp and voice or melody instrument
  • Don Oiche Ud I mBeithell (I Sing of a Night in Bethlehem)
  • Irish Carol
  • Sussex Carol
  • Wren Song
  • Seacht Suailci na Maighdine Muire (The Seven Joys of Mary)

  • Cornish
  • Sans Day Carol (Saint Day Carol)
  • Righteous Joseph

  • Breton
  • Chant de Noel (The Breton Carol)

  • Welsh
  • Gower Wassail
  • O Deued Pob Cristion (O Come All Christians)
  • Please To See the King
  • Nos Galan (Deck the Halls)
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