Pedal or Lever Harp

Unfamiliar Saints PDF Download composed by Carol Wood

Item #p7692

For lever or pedal harp.

This is a unique, fun collection of original music by Carol Wood inspired by the "unfamiliar" patron saints of fish, cats, ice skating, witches and rain, bees, hangovers, and coffee! The seven compositions are in the keys of C or G (1 sharp). Three of the pieces have lever changes marked with diamond notes in the music. Pedal changes are also notated. Several pieces include harmonics. There are a few fingerings.
Each piece is 2 to 4 pages long. This 26-page PDF includes 21 pages of music. The two-page "Notes" section at the end includes information about each of the saints featured in the music.

Here's part of what Carol says in her introduction to the "Notes" section.
Despite not being religious in any normal sense of that word, I find saints truly fascinating-and not only because there are some quite whimsical or weird saints: a saint who was a dog (St. Guinefort), a mermaid saint (Lí Ban), saints who lived, walked, and talked after being decapitated (St. Justus and St. Denis, to name only two.)

Of course, saints are admirable because they walk the walk -- they try genuinely to follow their beliefs -- but there's much more to sainthood than that. I think that some saints can show us how to be patient and kind and gentle, how to love other humans and other creatures, and how to seek out the wonder and magic all around us. Maybe, saints can remind us of what is divine within ourselves and all of creation.

This product is a PDF file, to be downloaded to your computer. We do not sell it as regular printed music. It is only available here in this PDF download format.

Click on the blue titles below to see a sample of the first few lines of music.