Pedal or Lever Harp

Celtic Folk Songs and/or Folk Hymns by Hugh Callison PDF Download

Item #p7963

For lever or pedal harp.

Here's how Hugh Callison describes this Celtic collection in his introduction.
Everyone enjoys Celtic Folk Songs and Folk Hymns but not all realize that often they can be one and the same. A hymn text has often found its home in a folk song and a secular text sometimes finds a home in a hymn tune. This collection has a little of both. All but one of the tunes in this collection are of Celtic origin. The exception, "Amazing Grace," is a folk hymn of unknown origin that has all the markings of a Celtic Tune, including a pentatonic harmonic foundation.
For the harpists who also like to understand the history of a tune or even sing along, a variety of texts along with information about the tune and the lyrics can be found in the back of this book in the "Notes on the Tunes."
Any tune that you would like to have with words between the left and right hand staves, I'd be happy to supply if you email me at and request the tune and the text that you'd like me to set up for you. I'll send you back an email with a PDF file that you can print and play and sing for any tune in this collection.

Each tune begins with a short introduction of 2 to 4 measures. The keys range from 1 flat through 2 sharps, with very few lever changes required within the music. Chord symbols are included, but no fingerings. For early intermediate players. This 49-page PDF includes 29 pages of music, and 15 pages of lyrics and history of the songs.

This product is a PDF file, to be downloaded to your computer. We do not sell it as regular printed music. It is only available here in this PDF download format.

Click on the blue titles below to see a sample of the first few lines of music.
  • Ad Hyd y nos (All Through the Night)
  • Annie Laurie
  • Auld Lang Syne
  • Bunessan
  • Brother James' Air
  • Down By the Salley Gardens (The Maids of Mourne Shore)
  • Greensleeves (What Child Is This)
  • Iona Boat Song
  • Rorate (Rorate Coeli Desuper)
  • Londonderry Air (Danny Boy)
  • New Britain (Amazing Grace)
  • O Waly Waly (The Water is Wide)
  • Slane (Be Thou My Vision)
  • Scots W' Hae
  • The Ash Grove (Let All Things Now Living)
  • Royal Oak (All Things Bright and Beautiful)
  • The Twenty-Ninth of May
  • St. Denio (Joanna)
  • Skye Boat Song (Spirit of God, Unseen as the Wind)
  • The Bard of Armagh
  • The Streets of Laredo
  • The Caledonian Hunt's Delight
  • St. Columba (The King of Love, My Shepherd Is)
  • The Road and the Miles to Dundee
  • The Rowan Tree
  • Ye Banks and Braes O' Bonnie Doon

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