For lever or pedal harp.
Arranged for beginning and advanced harpists.
This book or PDF download contains multi-level arrangements by Sylvia of 11 popular songs for Chanukah. Even if you're not Jewish, if you play for parties during December you'll find this book very helpful. Each piece includes 2 arrangements: an easy "A" version, and a "B" version that is more difficult. Includes lyrics and fingerings. In the key of C or sharp keys; one song has lever changes. 26 pages. The book is spiral-bound.
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Companion CD or mp3 downloads
The Companion CD and mp3 downloads include the pieces from this book and from Sylvia's 50 Christmas Carols book. These will assist harp players in learning the pieces in these books. Since many of you will want to "play along" as you are learning, Sylvia has recorded most of the pieces slower than they are usually played, and as "straight" as possible, with little or no expression or rhythmic variations.
In the books each piece has two arrangements: (A) an easy version, and (B) one that is more difficult. On these recordings, Sylvia plays the "B" versions. Since the two versions can be played as a duet, you can play either version along with the recording. The pieces are in the same order as in the books, with the Christmas pieces first, and then the Chanukah ones.
- Book and/or Companion CD, which we will mail to you
- PDF and/or mp3 files, to be downloaded to your computer.
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