Pedal or Lever Harp

The Creative Harpist: Arranging and Performing by Louise Trotter PDF Download

Item #p6947

For lever or pedal harp.

This revised book combines three of Louise Trotter's popular books for intermediate harpists: Getting Started in Pop Harp, The Creative Folk Harpist, and Let's Play Country Harp.

This book contains repertoire suggestions, ways to tune your harp, scales and chords, intervals, seventh chords and minor scales, diminished chords, voicing, inversions, bass patterns, chord progressions, steps in making an arrangement, introductions, endings, and how to play variations on the melody.

To be a creative and versatile pop harpist, classic training is valuable. However, the habit of playing every note as written is sometimes hard to break when learning to improvise. The act of playing notes spontaneously may be overwhelming to the classically trained harpist. This book will help you learn to play popular music from a fake book or by ear. It will provide some tools for the improvisation necessary for playing popular music. These ideas come from Louise's own experience, and from workshops with nationally known pop and jazz harpists.

Louise is a master of country-western harp. With simple melodies and uncomplicated harmonies, this book also instructs the harpist on the basics of achieving that country-western sound, as well as techniques on imitating such traditional country western instruments as guitar, banjo, fiddle, string bass, and piano. This is a good book for any harpist wishing to enlarge their repertoire to include this style of music.

This PDF is 66 pages. See the table of contents below.

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