Pedal or Lever Harp

Hymns for Advent PDF Download by Darhon Rees-Rohrbacher

Item #p7939

For lever or pedal harp.

Darhon Rees-Rohrbacher has arranged this collection of 24 Advent hymn melodies for intermediate players. Here's how she describes this collection in her introduction.

These tunes may be played on lever harps with an Eb, Bb, F, or C tuning or on any pedal harp. They only use the keys of C, G, and D major - or their relative minor keys - which makes lever movements between pieces quite easy. All tunes were typeset to fit exactly on two facing pages to eliminate any page turns within a piece. If desired, each piece can be lengthened by repeating some sections; section divisions are indicated by light double bar lines. Lever changes required within some of the pieces, where indicated, are minimal. Pedal changes are shown below the bass staff.
Guitar chords are included so that the melody may be played by any C instrument, accompanied by chords on harp, lute, guitar, or keyboard. Dynamics, fingering, and metronome markings are provided throughout as an aid to performance. However, the harper should use whatever dynamics, fingerings, and tempos suit them, no matter what this book indicates!
All of the hymns in this collection may be played on a harp of only 26 strings, range of low C to high G. Treat the C two octaves below middle C as the lowest C on your harp, and adjust the octaves accordingly. Ignore any optional 8va indications and shorten any glissandos.

In the Christian Church, Advent is the time of preparation leading up to Christmas. Traditionally, there are four Sundays in Advent featuring specific scripture readings on a three-year cycle known as the "lectionary." Certain Advent hymn texts are associated with these readings and are often sung on the corresponding Sunday; however, this can vary depending on the year of the lectionary and the preferences of the clergy. Also, many of the hymns are suitable for more than one Sunday. The four Sundays of Advent have a theme associated with each of them, as follows: Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love. Candles are customarily lit on each Sunday of Advent, and each candle has a particular significance: The Prophecy Candle, The Bethlehem Candle, The Shepherd's Candle, and The Angel's Candle.

All of the pieces are in the key of C or 1 or 2 sharps. Chord symbols and some fingerings are included. Lever and pedal changes are marked in the music. This 56-page PDF includes 48 pages of music.

This product is a PDF file, to be downloaded to your computer. We do not sell it as regular printed music. It is only available here in this PDF download format.

Click on the blue titles below to see a sample of the first few lines of music.
  • Awake, My Soul! Awake, My Tongue!
  • Come, O Precious Ransom
  • Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus
  • Comfort, Comfort Now My People
  • Creator of the Stars of Night
  • Fling Wide the Door
  • Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken
  • Hark! A Thrilling Voice Is Sounding!
  • Hark, the Glad Sound!
  • Lift Up Your Heads, O Mighty Gates
  • Lo! He Comes with Clouds Descending
  • O Come, Divine Messiah
  • O Come, O Come, Emmanuel
  • Of the Father's Love Begotten
  • O Lord, How Shall I Meet You?
  • On Jordan's Bank the Baptist's Cry
  • Prepare the Way, O Zion
  • Rejoice, Rejoice, Believers
  • Savior of the Nations, Come
  • Shepherds, Shake Off Your Drowsy Sleep
  • The Advent of Our God
  • The King Shall Come
  • Wake, Awake, for Night Is Flying
  • Watchman, Tell Us of the Night


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