For lever or pedal harp.
Arranged for beginning and advanced harpists.
This book or PDF download includes Sylvia Woods' multi-level arrangements of 33 popular hymns, 3 wedding processionals and recessionals, and a special section of 7 Jewish pieces for joyous occasions. Each piece has two arrangements: an easy version, and one that is more difficult. The lyrics are printed at the bottom of the pages.
A duet version of Schubert's Ave Maria for harp and flute, violin or voice is also included. (Please note: there is NO solo harp version of Ave Maria in this book, only the duet version.)
This book is invaluable for anyone playing for weddings or church services. 96 pages. The book is spiral-bound.
If you purchase two or more of these Hymns and Wedding Music products in the same order, you will receive a $1 discount on each one.
Your shopping cart will automatically reflect these lower prices.
Companion CD or mp3 downloads
The companion CD or mp3 downloads will assist harp players in learning the pieces in this book. Since many of you will want to "play along" as you are learning, Sylvia has recorded most of the pieces slower than they are usually played, and as "straight" as possible, with little or no expression or rhythmic variations.
In the book each piece has two arrangements: (A) an easy version, and (B) one that is more difficult. On these recordings, Sylvia plays version "A" directly followed by version "B". Since the two versions can be played as a duet, so you can play either version along with the recording. The pieces are in the same order as in the book.
The Companion CD and mp3 downloads include all the pieces from this book.
Sylvia Woods has included the lyrics in most of her books of songs because it is fun to be able to sing-along (at least in your head) while you're playing. However, some of her earliest books, including the first edition of this one, did not include the lyrics.
This second edition, which was published in 2010, does have the lyrics included at the bottom of the pages.
If you have the older first edition of this book, you can download and print a FREE PDF of these lyrics .
- Book and/or Companion CD, which we will mail to you
- PDF and/or mp3 files, to be downloaded to your computer.
Click on the blue titles below to see a sample of the first few lines of music.
- Hymns:
- Abide with Me
- All Glory Laud and Honor
- All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name
- All People that on Earth Do Dwell
- Amazing Grace
- Be Thou My Vision
- Blest Be the Tie that Binds
- Christ the Lord Is Risen Today
- The Church's One Foundation
- Come, Christians Join to Sing
- Come Thou Almighty King
- Doxology
- Fairest Lord Jesus
- Faith of Our Fathers
- For the Beauty of the Earth
- Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah
- Holy, Holy, Holy
- I Love Thy Kingdom Lord
- Jacob's Ladder
- Jesus Loves Me
- Kum Ba Yah
- A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
- Morning Has Broken
- Nearer My God to Thee
- Now the Day Is Over
- O God Our Help in Ages Past
- O Perfect Love
- Rock of Ages
- Stand Up Stand Up for Jesus
- This Is My Father's World
- We Gather Together
- What a Friend We Have in Jesus
- When Morning Gilds the Skies
- Wedding Marches:
- Bridal March from Lohengrin (Here Comes the Bride)
- Trumpet Tune
- Trumpet Voluntary.
- Jewish Songs:
- Artsa Alinu
- Hava Nagila
- Hevenu Chalom
- Hine Ma Tov (first melody)
- Hine Ma Tov (second melody)
- Kozatzke
- L'cha Dodi.
- Ave Maria
- A duet version of Schubert's Ave Maria for harp and flute, violin or voice
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