Pedal or Lever Harp

Pocket Guide to Harp Composing by Darhon Rees-Rohrbacher PDF Download

Item #p7986

Darhon Rees-Rohrbacher has written this 81 page manual as an aid to composers who wish to write for the harp but are unfamiliar with its technical capabilities. It is a concise, non-technical manual containing all of the information needed to write effectively for any type of harp. It also includes chapters on harp history and construction, special notation symbols, special effects on the harp, copyrights and publishing, and much more. It was originally published as a smaller size "pocket" book, but this version is 8.5" by 11" and is your standard size page for printing at your own computer and printer. The number of pages in this version is less than the pocket size version, yet it contains all the content. 74 pages.

This product is a PDF file, to be downloaded to your computer. We do not sell it as regular printed music. It is only available here in this PDF download format.

Click on the blue titles below to see a sample of the first few lines of music.

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