Teach Yourself 30th Anniversary
In 1978, Sylvia Woods published her groundbreaking book, Teach Yourself to Play the Folk Harp. Since that time, tens of thousands of people have learned to play the harp using this step-by-step tutor. In honor of the book's 30th anniversary, Sylvia published a special 30th Anniversary edition in 2008. This edition has "30th Anniversary Edition" written in gold ink on the bottom right-hand corner of the cover.
What's new?
The introduction and appendix were rewritten and updated, and additional helpful information was added for new harp players. You can view and print ALL of the newly revised pages by clicking on the links below.
What stayed the same?
Sylvia kept all of the music pages in the Teach Yourself book intact, making no changes to the music or any of the pages from page 11 to 71. Therefore, the companion cassettes, CDs, DVDs and videos are all still compatible with any edition of the book.
What if I have an earlier edition?
If you have an earlier edition, you can view and print ALL of the newly revised pages by clicking on the links below!
What about the companion products?
Because all of the music and lesson pages stayed the same, the companion cassettes, CDs, DVDs and videos are all compatible with any edition of the book.
Beware of imitations!
Several books and other products have come out in recent years with titles similar to "Teach Yourself to Play the Folk Harp." Don't be fooled. Demand the original, official Teach Yourself products by Sylvia Woods.
Download free PDFs
Click the links below for PDFs of the Introduction and Appendix pages from the new 30th Anniversary Edition.
Entire Introduction and Appendix (all of the new pages)
Entire Introduction
Individual Introduction Pages:
- 1-Page Intro to the 30th Anniversary Edition
- The "Typesetting" of this Book
- How to Use this Book
- Types and Parts of Harps
- Holding the Harp
Entire Appendix
Individual Appendix Pages: