Videos about Books by Sylvia Woods

Videos about Books by Sylvia Woods

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Videos Introducing Harp Music Books by Sylvia Woods
Want to know more about Sylvia Woods' music books? Sylvia has created informative videos for 22 of her harp books. Each video is about 2 to 7 minutes long. She discusses: what pieces are included; the playing level and harp range needed to play the music; if fingerings, lyrics and chord symbols are included; and lots of other fun and useful information about the book. You'll see sample pages and hear Sylvia playing some of the pieces in the background. This is a fantastic way to learn about Sylvia's books, and decide which ones you want to buy.

Beauty and the Beast book

Chanukah Music book

50 Christmas Carols book

John Denver Love Songs book

76 Disney Songs book

Gecko Tails book

Groovy Songs of the 60s book

The Harp of Brandiswhiere book

Four Holiday Favorites book

House at Pooh Corner sheet music

Hymns and Wedding Music book

Irish Dance Tunes book

50 Irish Melodies book

Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring book

Lennon & McCartney book

Music Theory and Arranging Techniques book

40 O'Carolan Tunes book

Pachelbel's Canon book

22 Romantic Songs book

52 Scottish Songs book

Andrew Lloyd Webber book

Wizard of Oz book

Spiritual Medley for Harp and Choir