Pedal or Lever Harp

Gathering of Friends by Carol Wood PDF Download

Item #p7583

For lever or pedal harp.

Carol Wood has composed 11 pieces in honor of several of her friends. The styles vary from tango to Gregorian chant. All of the pieces are arranged for intermediate harp solo. Quintessence also has arrangements for harp and bassoon, as well as for harp and treble instrument. Romance is also arranged for harp and flute. The keys range from C through 3 sharps. A few pieces have additional sharps that are set in advance, but there are no lever changes within the pieces. Some of the effects used are harmonics, grace notes, glissandos, tremolo, PDLT, and time changes. There are no fingerings. This 46-page PDF includes 39 pages of music, and information about Carol's friends who inspired this musical collection.

You can listen to Carol Wood performing three of these songs on YouTube:
YouTube: Wise Woman Tango
YouTube: Cyanoblue Waltz
YouTube: The Magician's Birthday

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Click on the blue titles below to see a sample of the first few lines of music.

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